Enter the world of Mannatech's AMBROTOSE COMPLEX POWDER. Get ready to feel really, really good again!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All aloe ain't aloe. Most aloe products are inactive (that means dead)

There are many powerful components of the Remarkable Wellness Secret called Ambrotose Complex and just one of them is aloe vera.  Everyone's heard of it.  I had one on my counter for many years and have used it more times than I can count for it's immediate health properties.  But I never really thought about how or why it worked.  I just knew I could count on it

Turns out, very quickly after it is cut and dried, the active health components of the aloe called monosaccharides and polysaccharides, become inactive and die very quickly.  This is one of the main reasons why so many of the aloe products on the market unfortunately are ineffective.

The most amazing discovery was that these active ingredients provide specific healthy sugars to the body that help support the immune system, digestive function in the intestines and stomach, enhance memory, mood and cognition function and they facilitate cell-to-cell communication all over the body.

Back around 1984, an innovative team of scientists and MD's discovered a process to dry the aloe properly so for the first time in the history of aloe, the key components stayed ALIVE AND ACTIVE.  The process is called " immediate low-temperature freeze-dehydration"  This is the only non-toxic method of stabilization of the saccharides.  If the aloe is in a liquid form, it has to be degraded by the addition of a toxic substance to make sure no microbes will grow in it, thus making them inferior options for aloe protection.  This team patented this process and it eventually became the base of a remarkable wellness product called Ambrotose Complex by Mannatech Inc.

Bill McAnalley, PhD, provided a huge service to humanity when he isolated “acemannan,” as the beneficial healing component of the Aloe vera plant. His team's research has revealed a massive amount of science validating the power aloe has on the human cells and function.

Aloe Vera up close and personal

For over 6000 years, the aloe vera plant, Aloe barbadensis, has been used medicinally and nutritionally both internally and externally by many cultures for its powerful, beneficial effects on human health. Today aloe vera gel continues to be used in supplements, foods, beverages, and cosmetics. Aloe leaves consist of two major parts, the outer leaf epidermis and the inner leaf gel, which are very different in their chemical composition and properties. 

Aloe gel is obtained from the inner portion of the leaves. Much of the health benefits observed by the use of aloe vera gel may be attributed to its high molecular weight polysaccharides. Before a process was developed to stabilize aloe vera gel or extracts, fresh preparations were regarded as being required for any therapeutic efficacy. It has now been shown that careful drying of aloe vera gel can retain the polysaccharide content important for producing many of its health benefits.

     There are very few studies exploring what happens to aloe vera gel once ingested. It has been demonstrated that the human gut bacteria can digest polysaccharides from aloe vera when it has been prepared properly. Aloe has a long history of safe use, dating back thousands of years.

Ambrotose Complex powder been a mainstay of my nutritional program for over 9 years and will be for the rest of my life.  Call or email me if you have ANY questions!!


* The information contained on this web site is presented for educational purposes only. Nothing presented herein or therein is intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. 

(Independent Mannatech Associate)

A Retired Chiropractor's Story of Recovery... with "Remarkable Wellness Secret"

I LOVE and DON'T LOVE telling my story all at the same time.

I don't love it because I have relive the end of the most cherished career in my life.  I also have to tell about a second really dark, difficult time in my life when I no longer felt I had control of my health, no matter what I did.  "Change of life" really hit me hard.  The person in the mirror was a complete stranger.  She was just not there anymore.  I hid my symptoms from as many people as I could, but they knew I was faking it.  I felt frustrated and hopeless as I found myself slipping away from life in a holding pattern of hell.

I love it because I get to tell a story like most people have never heard before.  I get to reveal how one simple white, tasteless powder effected literally every cell in my body and how it helped me find myself, my life and my business again on so many levels.  

I "super love" it 'cause I get to help someone in the depths of despair like I was find hope and feel empowered that yes, there still IS something they've not tried yet that just may help them when nothing else has.

Could you be that someone?

Career Over for Successful Chiropractor Literally Overnight

It was just a regular weekend, or so I thought.  I decided to move the furniture in my office with a friend.  We were moving all my huge, heavy medical books out of the 8 foot tall bookshelf.  As I was getting up from the floor with a full load of books under my arm, the other arm supporting me on a shelf gave way and I fell with all the books still under my arm and felt a snap in my left shoulder and I immediately felt a stabbing pain.  We then went on to move the rest of the books and the heavy oak shelf to the other side of the room. 

Bummer, (yeah, we said bummer back then in the mid 90's :) I figured I sprained it but knew it would be OK.  

Next morning with about 60 patients scheduled on the books, I got to work and every time I moved my left arm up to adjust someone's spine, I felt a big clunk and excruciating pain.  Very long story short, I did not just sprain it, I torn the rotator cuff.  You know, the injury that puts professional baseball players out of the game?  

After 9 grueling months, seeing 10 doctors of all disciplines from Los Angeles to San Francisco, I had no choice but to have surgery which unfortunately ended up being a "failed" surgery.  I had some improvement, but the shoulder never would be strong enough to practice again.

About 10 days after the injury, I remember wearing a little skimpy patient gown, sitting on the cold paper on a treatment bench of the then-orthopedist for the San Francisco 49ers.  He quickly drew a couple anatomical scribbles on the paper next to my behind and then said to me, (knowing I was a doctor, mind you!) 

"After the surgery, you'll be able to reach your mouth and your butt and that's all you need to do.  You'll never practice again."  

I sat there in literal shock and disbelief.  Needless to say, I never returned to that barbarian idiot again, but that was the beginning of the end of a beloved 8 1/2 year career as a chiropractor.  One in which I thought I would be in until I was 90.  

So, back to that office visit... with tears in my eyes, I stumbled out to his front desk, asked to borrow their phone and called my assistant, instructing her to cancel all my patients the next day.  

That was the last day of my Chiropractic career.  I never practiced again.  

Cascade of wrongs after a single injury

HI. My name is Sheryl Mann.  I'm a retired San Francisco Chiropractor. Tragically, I was forced to sell my very successful practice many years ago after a severe shoulder injury and "failed" surgery. 

After my injury and the sale of my hemorrhaging practice, I developed a knawing chronic pain syndrome and a sleep disorder from an autoimmune condition. If you are someone who's not slept well for years, you KNOW the absolute hell it can be to get up every day not having slept for more than an hour or two again and again. 

It's a chronic state of torment.

For many years, I managed my "conditions" with chiropractic, nutrition and vigilant a spiritual practice. But about 9 years ago when "change of life" occurred at a fairly young age, it hit me hard, like it does for many women my age.  I became very unwell and nothing I had previously done was working anymore. 

Menopause is not a disease says National Institutes of Health, but for many it brings challenges

I mean, I was hardly functioning due to "change of life" issues that hit my body and emotions HARD. At that time, I was taking about $500 a month of various nutritional products and they were only helping a little bit. 

Against every principle I had and every cell in my being, I even tried medications for the dark moods and pain for a couple months. 

And I actually got worse, as if that was possible.

The hairs on my neck stood up as I started to learn about this remarkable wellness secret....

Then one blessed day in November of 2001, while looking online for some work I could do from home, since I was too ill to work out in the public, I literally stumbled onto a new type of supplement that I had never heard of in all my 20 some years of being in the wellness industry. 

I couldn't believe I'd never heard of it!  This was my world. 

This is where I discovered a whole new class of nutrients called glyconutrients. It was called Ambrotose Complex powder... all natural nutritional supplement, no toxic side-effects.  I had studied everything I could find about nutrition and wellness for a lot of years and had never heard of Ambrotose or "glyconutrients", so I was intrigued, to say the least.  

I discovered that Ambrotose is not a vitamin, mineral, amino acid, omega 3, herbal, or any other commonly known nutrient source.  Imagine this, the ingredients in Ambrotose are required by every cell in your body to function properly and they are missing in 99% of people's modern day diets, even if they eat really healthy and all organic.

It really looked too good to be true.  The stories I read were amazing.  

Seeing in color again.  Seeing myself in my eyes again. 

After just a few months taking Ambrotose powder vigilantly twice every day, along with the "Real 4" (more later on those), I felt remarkably better. I had to increase my daily servings of Ambrotose powder twice over a couple of months before I found the right amount for me (everyone is different). 

My previously optimistic good mood and nice personality returned again. :) YAY!
My sleep quality returned. 
My heart rate came down from 104 to 72 beats per minute. 
My pain greatly decreased. 
The tension feeling in my chest that I described as an extremely, tightly wound-up and twisted towel, disappeared

Absolutely NOTHING had ever helped me like these amazing nutrients did.

Is this a cure or treatment for disease, you might want to ask?  

Absolutely not!  Think about it.  Nutrition is about helping all the cells in the body find balance and health.  

Disease cannot exist in a completely healthy environment.  

The goal of all nutrition whether it be in food form or supplement form is to support the body in what it's supposed to do naturally, to function healthfully and optimally; to feed, support, cleanse, modulate and nourish your cells so they can function at maximum capacity.  

How do you think you might feel when your cells are all functioning at their fullest potential?  

Unimaginably better, yep. 

That's what happened to me and I bet it can happen for you too, but you gotta give it a chance,  4-6 months minimum.  No kidding.  We aren't messin' around here.  You want to really feel better, you can't do it in a couple weeks!  There is no 'trying' here.  It works, but only if you give it the time your body needs.  

I'll do a video soon explaining how the body replaces all it's cells in 4-6 months and that's how long you want to give your body to start to rebuild you to health!  

Could you feel better sooner than that? Absolutely.  Could it take longer? Sure.  Your body just takes the nutrients from the food of Ambrotose and goes to work.  We can't tell it where to go, how fast to go there or what to do.  Your brilliant body does all the work.

A booming business from results that speak for themselves

People started coming to me and asking "Sheryl what ARE you doing?  You look so much better!"  (Nothing like hearing how bad you looked in the past lol) ...So, I started telling everyone about it and over the years have been so blessed to be able to help thousands of beautiful people in all corners of the world get well and stay well on these products.

Unheard of  "6 month 100% Satisfaction Guarantee"

By the way, Mannatech is SO confident that your life and health will be transformed by the products, amazingly, they offer a 6-month satisfaction guarantee.  Save all your bottles and receipts and if you are not beyond happy with your results, you get your money back - no questions asked.  No other company in the industry offers this!  Imagine their confidence.

This blog is dedicated to sharing all that I can about this remarkable wellness secret, so you can be fully informed and discover for yourself how Ambrotose and the supportive "Real 4"* may be of tremendous help to YOU in your journey to radiant health again.

I will take them every day the rest of my life.

I hope you find the material as fascinating and compelling as I did those many years ago when I discovered this remarkable wellness secret called Ambrotose Complex.

I am here to help you get well on every level, whenever you are ready.

Dr. Sheryl

330-666-3131 ET (New York Time) in Ohio, USA 

*Ambrotose is not a panacea, of course.  It doesn't take the place of vitamin/minerals, hormonal support, antioxidants and omega 3's. In future issues, we'll cover these important nutrients as well, but remember, Ambrotose is the one that your body has never had and HAS to have to function and we know it's missing.

I'd sure appreciate it if you'd JOIN this blog, SHARE with your friends and COMMENT below!
Ambrotose Complex Powder... the Remarkable Wellness Secret 

Go to "Optimal Health category" in the shopping cart.
This is one of the key products that brought me back to life.

Classic Ambrotose® Complex (100 g):  1-2 jars a month, depending on your health picture. 
(Independent Mannatech Associate)